Using Two Adsense Accounts on One PC ?

Rock asks:
1. I just wanted to know if 2 people using the same ISP can use adsense with 2 different adsense accounts with different PCs? And also, does the IP also play the big role in it ?
2. My cousin and I are using same ISP, both of us got our own Adsense account. We want to know if it will be a problem for us if we use the same ISP / IP for Adsense? And also, can we use same PC too?

That’s really a volley of questions from Rock! Let’s start with the answers and then know a bit more on the topic.

1. The answer to your first question is a simple YES! IP’s have got nothing to do here! [continue reading till the end]

2. Your cousin and you can continue using the same ISP and your own personal accounts without any harm. If you prefer, you can use the same PC too.

Now let me give you my bit of advice! All what I have said is on the assumption that you are not indulging in anything that violate the Google TOS.

Hope that answers it. Get back with more queries.

All the best