Adsense Account Disabled?

Pratik asks:
My account was disabled. If I take a new broadband connection, can I create my account again?

[Answer edited as per the comments below]
Your broad band connection has got nothing to do with disabling of your Adsense account. You won’t be able to re create the same account again.

A ban from Adsense holds good for a life time! So you won't be able to re-apply for Adsense. The only thing you can do is to partner with someone who already have an account and allow them to display ads on your site and get a good share of the revenue.

You can also tell some relative of yours to start an Adsense account and use it on your site! The point here is, add value to your advertisers. Do not pose a risk to them! Stay away from anything that violates the ToS.

Tip: Learn the reason for which Google disabled your account. It might be due to some TOS violation. Refrain from doing things that violate the Google TOS. Always think long term, work on getting more traffic. More traffic means more money (if you monetize them well)
Hope that answers your question.

All the best!


Anonymous said...

I am the anon who recently commented on ur 1,00,000 wanting ambitious question..!

Rakesh, by answering this question and encouraging ppl to violate TOS of google, wont someday google ban u..? no.. jus a question...! becoz in all ur other posts u never encourage anyone crossing the limits of TOS(ie u play safe)

am i being too analytical of ur site..? just wanted this blog to be alive forever helping others... like me..!

Coz two of my friends were posting such quality posts in their blog, and once google banned them for different reasons, they quit blogging,...! ;-)

Rakesh said...

@ Anonymous

As you may know from our Orkut community, I never encourage someone to go against the ToS.

I personally know many guys who had to read that ill fated email from Google - the never awaited one that say your account has been disabled!

If this answer seemed to be an encouragement for ToS violation, I will do a rephrase of it right away!

Thanks for pointing this out my friend!

Also, pls see if it's reading right, now.

Anonymous said...

thanx for takin ma comments seriously.. now it looks damn clean..

good job rakesh!

Rakesh said...

@ Anonymous

Thanks for pointing that out my friend!

And happy to know that it looks clean now. :)