Adsense Account Disabled - New Account?

Sidharth asks:
My account has been disabled :( today itself and I know that I performed something that was against Google TOS (because then I didn’t know everything about Google adsense).

I know chances of recovering back is almost 0. So what I want now is that I know full rules and TOS now and won’t engage in any sorts of click exchanges. Now my main question is I know that once banned address cant be used, but if I use my relatives name and address and operate the account from my computer (i.e. same IP which I earlier used for adsense), will that cause any harm to my new account ?

I appreciate you honesty in that point that you admit of having done something wrong. My friend, if only you had taken this decision (won’t engage in any sorts of click exchanges) a bit earlier, the story would have been very different. As you already know, a ban would hold good for a life time and Google is very particular about this. For answering this, I assume that you are using your relative’s account on your sites and operate it from your PC.

Google uses a set of online and offline methods for invalid click detection / prevention. The online methods include a series of filters that filters out invalid clicks on a real time basis. The offline methods include both automated as well as manual methods. Google also have systems that can detect multiple accounts opened by the same person. Google does every bit it can, to uphold the credibility of Adwords program.

Boiling all these into a one liner would mean that Google would vigilantly look at this: “Is an account a threat to Advertisers?” If it is, they will ban the account; if its not, the account will stand.

Not much more on this is publicly available.

Related: Adsense account disabled?