Got $1.58 a Click?

Adeel Akhter asks:
I have few more questions.
1. A net friend showed me his adsense account (by print page) he had 1.58 dollars in his account and only one AD click. I am shocked! Can you please tell me how it is possible to earn 1.58 dollars by only clicking 1 ad?
2. Please also guide me exactly what are keywords. Should we post them in our posts or are they keywords for searching?

Welcome back Adeel. I think we have recently pretty much covered these questions. Always feel free to go through other questions asked here too.

Regarding your first question, it’s very much possible to earn $1.58 per click by using a high paying keyword. We also had a hand full of high paying keywords published here a few days back.

Now, to your second question. Keywords are those buzz words around which a page is written. For example, if you have a page written about ‘body building’, your keywords are body building and words relating to it. You can find this article on using high paying keywords useful.

If you can do it right, you will be sky rocketing your income!


Anonymous said...

Hi well yes after posting the questions i searched and found relevant answers..that we should write articles related to it etc etc...and when we get specific ADS and when they are clicked we get paid...

Thnaks a lot

SiDhArTh said...

Wont we get banned by google by say we open a blog of our own and paste say article of mesothalmia in it ??

I read it somewhere that google has banned someone just because he was using a site with high paying keywords

Do reply Rakesh.....

Anonymous said...

I also received $1.5 clicks and its not unusual really.When u post on topics with high advertiser competition u'll get $$ clicks .

Rakesh said...

@ indie filmmaker

Nice to know that you got the trick!

Hope you will make good use of it!

Rakesh said...

@ Sidharthz

Google won't ban you for blogging about a high paying keyword.

That said, one may get banned for stuffing in high paying keywords into the content to trick adsense to get high paying ads.

Always go by the ToS and you will be safe!

Rakesh said...

@ Sumit

Well said Sumit!